Viral was not convinced, even if Takeshi was trying to win him over with an innocent smile. He didn’t understand the problem with giving his sword over at all, he couldn’t look passed any of his faults and why it was a bad idea to take a sword to a fight when you were untrained. If an opponent had a blade they’d want to use it and the dishonour would be great if no battle was to come of it and the warrior was simply blasted away. Takeshi couldn’t get it through to his head that if he was stabbed then he would be incapacitated and unable to get his brother or his friend back to the ship which would cause problems for all of them. Takeshi just wasn’t thinking like that and simply saw it as an inconvenience, even if he should know after being stabbed in several places by a bunch of bugs and saw the damage a sword did to him as well. The excuse for no training was a bit of a lame one, especially when the same type of training can become stale very quickly, “You could have asked at any time…and you know that!” he growled lowly, shaking his head, “You think I want to keep doing the same thing over and over again??” His training really was going nowhere fast and the same failures were striking him continuously, even if it was important. He could have used a break from that strenuous training and yet Takeshi didn’t think to ask him for one, probably because he couldn’t be bothered. Standing his ground, he only pulled back when Takeshi made a movement and coming fairly close to hitting him if he moved forward. Looking to his fist, he raised a paw to try and slap it, “By not even asking to see it beyond wanting to show it off! Do you even remember what it looks like?” This was just annoying now, him coming up here just to use his sword for show. If he didn’t have it he was sure he would be off with his brother and friend swinging it around like an idiot. Looking off towards the blade, he stared at it for a moment before back to Takeshi as he once again started pleading for it. Narrowing his gaze, he let out a huff and moved slightly to the side, “Howabout learning now...see if you can parry like you so claim…” he spoke lowly, pointing in casually, “If you can get passed me with it, I’ll let you have it for your fight and for ‘showing off’…I’ll even go one-handed to give you a chance”.