Lilac walked silently into the office, where she had to give the man at the front desk her registration packet. In return, he gave her a small wrist gauntlet that said where she was supposed to go to class, and where she slept. He didn't say much about her being a late arrival, but she figured he was a little annoyed. She was annoyed too, she didn't want to come here, her parents did. They were so obsessed with this school, because apparently it would teach her how to control herself and become a better elemental. It was also one of the top schools in their weird magazines. She left her own head and looked down at the man that sat behind his desk, she decided to thank him, and swiftly walked out of the room, it was late so she decided to head straight to her dorm. Looking at her gauntlet, she started to saunter over. As Lilac wandered through the halls, heading for the girls part of the dormitory, she came to the realization that she was probably going to have a roommate. She hoped that was the case, actually, she prayed it wasn't the case. She needed a lot of space for her vines, and her plants, and of course her pets. The thought of having a roommate annoyed her, but if she [I]had[/I] to have one, she supposed she would struggle through it. It didn't take her long to reach the dormitory, and after that she was kind of excited; her steps were a bit faster, her lips pulled up in the beginning of a smile. Maybe this place wouldn't be as bad as she thought it would be? She didn't want to get her hopes up and then be disappointed, but She couldn't help herself. It was too new, and strange. When she got to her room, she was kind of excited, it was large, probably meant for more then one person. She saw only a few signs of life, on one bed there was a robe and a few supplies that were given to her. She didn't use anything special with her magic, but she assumed she would need some of the things on the bed. She walked over to it silently and slipped on the robe. It felt natural, and she was surprised to say the least. She sat on her bed, alone for now, and started out of the window. She wondered what her new life would be like, and if it would be as adventurous as she thought it would.