Vincent nodded. “We’ll go to my cabin. Formal introductions, all that. Are you hungry?” He walked down the hall towards his quarters, not waiting for an answer, fully expecting her to follow. What did she have to fight for at this point? He tossed her bag to one of his men, telling him to take it to the brig. His men finished loading the ship and the cargo bay slid shut. Vincent turned back to face her. “May want to hurry, lifting off through an atmosphere can get… bumpy.” His quarters were near the command deck of the ship, always close to the action at hand. He placed his hand to the room’s palm lock and the door slid open. Standing in the doorway, waiting for Allison, he admired it. Home away from home. His own slice of luxury. He tried to keep the ship as classy as possible; truly, as his flagship he thought it was deserved. Those palace ships they had plundered for the furniture… the ship itself had copied the look. His men almost seemed out of place, but it elevated them. Gave them some desire to act with a bit of professionalism. And they were his best men, hand picked. A field of grime ridden, dirty men surrounded by luxury. The sight made him chuckle. He moved into the room and sat on one of the couches in the living area. It was spotless and emaculate, decorated with some of his favorite treasures from previous ventures. Paintings and wall art, all stolen, filled the walls of the room like expensive wallpaper. Bookshelves were stuffed with display cases and stellar maps. A pure white chandelier hung from the ceiling in the middle of the room, designed to look like one from the Victorian era, but with a modern twist. Flower shaped LEDs provided the only light in the room, mixing multiple colors to imitate a variety of species. He leaned his head behind himself, resting it on the backrest of the couch, and sighed. Almost free and clear now.