It seemed like Vincent wanted to talk to her privately, because he asked her, no, ordered her to move to his cabin. “I just had dinner, so no thanks.” Allison followed him, as she had no place to run off to. And the whole ship was filled with crewmembers eyeing her as she passed by. Glad she only took several jeans and long dressed, Allison walked in. “So, I assume this is all stolen.” Allison mumbled, not even raising her voice into a question. It did seem stolen. Some of the items were not even from this milky way, as she let her eyes run over all the items. As she walked towards the sofa where Vincent sat, she stared down at him. “Are you tired from ‘kidnapping’ me? Because that was pathetic.” At the word ‘kidnapping’, she raised her hands and motioned two fingers from each hand up and down. This was her way of showing she was not impressed by his performance. Suddenly, the ship started to make a loud sound, and rose from the ground. Allison knew because she had ridden several big ships like this before. But, as he had warned her, Allison felt a strong force in the back, making her loose her balance and fall right on top of Vincent. Her face landed right next to his and one of her legs was in between his. It missed his private parts by just a little. For a brief moment she felt his breathing against her neck and the movement of his joints, before she quickly pushed herself to the side of the sofa. Her entire face was bright red and she turned her head the other way. “Sorry.” She mumbled softly.