He was startled at the suddenness of it, but kept his composure as Allison fell against him. He didn’t mind the contact, not at all. But it was an accident, and nothing more. The feeling of her warmth against him, the soft fabric of her top and cardigan as it rubbed against his arm. He moved his arm to wrap it around her, embrace her, to keep her from hurting herself, falling off the couch entirely… but thought better of it and kept it stiff, just short of holding her. He moved it away quickly as she pushed from his body. “I warned you,” he said, low and soft. He looked to the door, noticing it was still open. He moved his hand through the air silently and the sensors picked up the movement, closing the door with a soft ‘swoosh’ followed by a mechanical click. It had just locked. “But there’s nothing to apologize for. Truly, I’m sorry for the rough treatment, princess.” He rested his hands on his legs and looked towards her. She was a spectacle, even in these circumstances. And she had just laid against him. “I know I’m not going to be able to comfort you during any of this, but in all honesty I am sorry. We’re not kidnappers, but a job is a job. Full disclosure, we were hired to pick you up. I guess it’s like that old phrase, ‘any port in a storm’, but ‘any work for pay’.” Things calmed as they cleared the atmosphere; all of the shaking gave way to nothingness. Like a feather, lightly drifting, they moved away from the planet. He stood and moved to the small bar station, near a 3D map of the current star system. He looked about the room; everything was still in place, nothing disheveled. The ship hadn’t been on a planet’s surface for months, and he was thankful all of the decoration had held up. He ignored her question about it all being stolen; they were pirates after all. “You’re not hungry, alright. Anything to drink?” He poured himself a small glass of water; he wasn’t in the mood for anything alcoholic. Just something to wet his throat, calm his nerves, and give him something to do to get his mind off of his captive and how they had been so close. It filled his thoughts regardless.