Whilst still looking the other way, she let her fingers go through her long, dark hair to keep it in place. She cursed herself not to take what he had said into record, then this awkward moment could’ve been avoided. Even stranger was, when their close encounter had happened, he closed his doors and locked it. Normally she’d be freaking out, but he had a point. What if one of the crewmembers seen what happened inside? They would probably tease her and Vincent for the next few hours, maybe days. And she could only take that much for now. When Vincent said he had warned her, she slightly nodded, and hoped the redness in her cheeks had faded already. With a hand, Allison rubbed the back of her neck, still feeling his warm breathe onto it. “It was just an accident, don’t get used to it. Won’t happen again.” She formally addressed and turned her head back towards him. The explanation he gave her about his ‘job’ made her roll her eyes just slightly. He probably didn’t notice as she was trained in hiding her annoyance form her father as well. Slowly but steady, the noise faded and the ship was now buzzing through space. It made Allison relax a little bit more, but seeing him get off the sofa and walking towards his bar, made her nervous again. Had she really just lain on top of him? And why did she blush like this? It was not like the guy was spectacularly nice or handsome. But maybe that was because he had just kidnapped her, and so she couldn’t possibly like him. “Some scotch? I need it.” Allison then got up from the sofa as well and walked over to him. Scanning the shelf of liquors, she picked out one of the finest ones they also had in the castle. It was probably quite the expensive bottle, but Allison did not mind. It was the least he could do. Without any word, she poured herself a respectable amount of alcohol in a wide glass and put the bottle back where it was. Then she turned to Vincent and without any amusement, she lifted her glass. “To me probably getting raped by thousands of crewmates.” And Allison put the glass to her lips and took a few sips. Although the words she had spoken weren’t very lady like, the way she poured in the glass, the way she lifted it and drank from it, was pure trained elegance. To the finest detail she had always analysed her every move, except for the ones out of her reach. Again her thoughts wandered off to what happened back on the sofa. [i]”Why do I want more..”[/i]