Vanessa stood up and brushed her thick hair back. Impulsively, she tied it back to keep herself from fidgeting with it during the mission. She had expected to be with Genesis, and it was convenient to have Heretic with them-she was skilled in combat and Vanessa liked to know there were two other people with her; and two able fighters at that. Vanessa walked briskly out the room, and headed towards her living quarters. She slipped on a long-sleeved jacket and slid her small laser dagger into a pocket on the inside of the jacket. She kept the jacket half-zipped so she could easily access it if needed. Looking around, she spotted a pair of sturdy boots, which she put on. After a bit of a silent debate with herself, Vanessa concealed her slightly old-fashioned (but reliable nonetheless) revolver by sticking it into the boot on her right foot. She checked her hair in the mirror-just like old times-and laughed to herself. [i]After all, I am trying to appear normal, yeah?[/i] She briefly considered adding a touch of makeup for good measure, but quickly shot down that idea. Make up? With what they were about to do? No way in hell. She knew from a close friend that mascara tended to smear and get all sticky and disgusting if you were sweating, and Vanessa decided that she would like to avoid that, thank you very much. She snagged her lightweight carbon fiber armor and shield gauntlet, as they might need them later. Vanessa sighed and exited, heading towards the hangar. Time to get this show on the road.