Throughout the course of the day various students and teachers settled themselves within the confined of the campus. The school grounds seemed to form its own small community isolated from the rest of the world. This was probably for the best being that it was a school for monsters. Human interaction too soon could be catastrophic. Things ran smoothly of course. No real trouble Introductions were made, rules were set out for some. However, the welcoming ceremony would soon be underway. Various students would make their way to the large auditoriums. Teacher's wouldn't sit. They stood at various corners of the building. Their presence was overwhelming. However, nothing would compare to the principal. At least that was the idea. He hadn't yet arrived yet. "Well looks like this could take a while." Aiden said calmly to nobody in particular as he lead his dorm mates to the auditorium. There were maps of course, but generally they were kind of hard to read. For some more than others, of course, but travelling together was good to. They'd experience a lot of each other over the course of the semester after all. The basic rundown of the gathering would be an introduction of teachers, the head master/principal, a reading of the rules of the school followed by the rules of the dorms and a little explanation on what can be found on campus. It could be anywhere from five minutes to an hour. Or two... Aiden sighed. Why did he have to be here again? Oh well... At least he wasn't alone. "Maybe we should all try to sit together." He said in a somewhat cheerful tone to those from his dorm in an attempt to remain positive. "I mean if you're gonna be bored you might as well be bored with friends."