He admired her choice in the drink, watched her as she poured and drank. He had been more than willing to pour the drink for her himself, but her taking the initiative was almost an insult. Yes, of course, everything here was stolen… the alcohol included. But they were his things now, and she had overstepped. The irony didn’t escape him, that they had kidnapped her and now he was jilted by her taking his scotch. Once she put the bottle down he pushed it away, only a centimeter or so further than she had put it, but the implication was clear. He moved back to the couch and sat where he had been before. “I was offering to pour you one,” he said. “Not offering to let you pour one yourself. You’re right of course, everything here is stolen. And the men who tried to stop me from taking any of it, they’re all dead. I tried to take from them, and they fought back. They were right to do so. That’s my scotch now, and you’re the one taking it…” he let the words trail off. “Get my meaning?” Even still, the anger quickly slipped away. She was justified. He held his glass with both hands, staring into the crystal clear water. “I can guarantee you, no one on this ship will hurt you. Trying to escape is pointless… you don’t really have anywhere to go. And then we’d have to keep you under lock and key if you tried it. Really, just messy for everyone.” He took a sip, returning his eyes to her and admiring her again. “Please, just take a seat and let’s talk.” He motioned to a chair, but there was always that thought, that wish, that nagging feeling… that hope. Hope that she’d return and sit with him, perhaps even a little closer. Foolishness. She was their captive; she had every right to hate him, and he wasn’t about to try and ingratiate himself with a royal. This was a job. But… well, the job was technically over. She had been kidnapped, what was supposed to be next? The client had been silent. No messages, no further instruction… the payment had processed, and that was all. He could have been stuck with worse company though, that was for sure. He relished the fact that they were alone together, away from the prying eyes of his crew.