[center][IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/28kii2w.jpg[/IMG][/center] The journey to Utsukushī was remarkably uneventful, considering what the past few days had held. Ray enjoyed the quiet days, playing music whenever the occasion took him, even giving Runali a brief trick at his viola. She played it about as well as he expected, trying his best not to snicker at her 'music.' Each evening he joined Luro for a drink and each day was continually blown away by Nolan's cooking. And then, they had arrived. Ray quietly wished the trip lasted longer. As soon as they arrived, Luro grabbed Nolan's wrist and ran off, shouting something about the tournament. Ray was intrigued by the event, but had some slightly more pressing matters to attend to; his green jacket was in terrible condition. It was covered in stains, scuff marks, tears and reeked to high heaven, and made him terribly uncomfortable wearing it. Ray needed new clothes, so when Danny suggested a trip into town to sample everything on offer, Ray jumped up. “Sounds like fun. I'll follow you. Let me know if we come across any tailor shops.” Besides, it would make a nice change of pace to be a Tourist rather than a Pirate for a day.