[quote=The Jest] In my personal opinion, I believe that anything from Fantasy or any genre can be converted and used for Sci-fi, and yes, realistically so, if you just stop and think about it.Believe it or not, Dragons, I find, is actually a very easy aspect to be converted. When you get down to it, when remove the magic, and the mysticism around them, A dragon is simply a reptile that undergone an evolution, most likely through adaptation, that gave them superior intelligence, the ability to fly via wings, and the organic capability to ignite the carbon they breathe out.I say this because I intend for a Draconian or two or three to be in this. ...4 counting the possible one by Drakel, and I'm kind of interested in how you go about it, Drakel.As for you Jinxlynx. ...You are welcome to join, but now the Interest check's amount is CLOSED. All room has now been filled.Go right ahead. ^^ [/quote] As I said before, I do agree with that philosophy though when it comes to dragons and elves and such I expect a lot of detail and thought placed into them, something that you'll notice when I post up the my version of the draconian race in the OOC. As for the race itself it was originally made for a starwars RP that died long ago, I'll just be posting it as an example on what I am talking about. You can play as a member of their race if you'd like and I will admit that it might actually be better than everyone crating 50 versions of the exact same thing. The physiology and biology part was rather easy but then I had to add reasons and history behind them that still gave off a rather fantasy like feel but at the same time still keep it scientific. So... I made that tribal and was RPing out their evolution with Stryder. Of course, for this RP, the race will be played around about 200 years after such events would happen... when they started to build ships for space combat and that like while holding on to their ancient traditions and architecture style.