Alright, let me go through one at a time. CidtheKid- Chicago looks great. He'll have to be careful setting things up , but seems like he carries much less risk of getting found out. Looking forward to seeing the stuff you come up with! Emuxe- I am a fan, definitely accepted. Very elaborate method (and very safe for you), though I'm worried that its specificity might cause you problems. It's funny you should mention Rhode Island, I remember reading something about how gangsters from Boston and New York would go to Providence either to relax or have a meeting on neutral ground. Not to mention they have a powerful Mafia family there as well. Guess that means business for her. MrDiadact- The direct approach. I'll have to come up with a couple NPCs for you to have an awesome hand-to-hand fight with. Accepted, of course. Doc- Cheyenne looks good. A sniper might have an edge over the other assassins I'm seeing. Accepted, unless you put something batshit insane in the personality part, but I've RPed with you enough times to know you're not going to do that. So far I'm impressed guys, though it's a little odd only one person shoots people with a gun. Looking forward to seeing Milwaukee and Portland, as well as whoever else wants to throw in! A couple other notes, by the way: I'm alright with people bringing out a second character if their first gets killed, I hope that softens the idea of losing a character some. I'll also be making a few NPC assassins for y'all to compete with, so watch for that.