[Center] [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/2a7y33m.jpg[/IMG][/center] Runali walked off the ship [url= http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/71/94/4a/71944ae0dc7e7b1beaf383c34b98c3fc.jpg] in a new outfit. [/url] (Just without the bows). It was a little chilly so she thought a jacket was in order. The hood was over her head, and one of the pointed cat ears tilted to one side while the other stood straight. She didn't mind too much considering the jacket didn't make her look too much like a child, and it was the only one that wasn't preparing her for the northern cold that would come up soon. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm heading to watch the tournament." Though, as she said that, Luro bolted off with Nolan in tow. "Tch, well that was interesting." She glanced over at Danny and Ray. "As I was saying, I'm heading to the tournament. You guys can go ahead and have fun." Seeing the other two of her crew mayes go off, she left on her own adventure. The trip to the coliseum was pretty far, but Runali managed to get a ride from a friendly gentleman who was going in the same direction. It wasn't hard to spot the coliseum, it being one of the largest buildings there. The second was a building she wasn't aware of, but it didn't matter at the moment. "Thanks!" "It's no problem at all, glad to help!" Runali walked the rest of the way to the coliseum. * * * * [Img] http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140204212019/onepiece/images/9/98/Inside_the_Colosseum.png[/img] When the captain got to the gates of the coliseum, she bought her ticket to get inside. The crew had plenty of money to spare and the tickets weren't expensive. But, that didn't mean Runali wouldn't buy food to watch the show! Of course that didn't cost too much either..... She had already missed the first round, and it appeared that Group B had just started. Luckily, Runali had a good seat. Not too close, and not too far. The announcer began to yell out to the crowd as the next two contenders walked out to the ring. [Center][I]"Here we have Elise Khan, our current champion! And his opponent, Alicia Tashigi! Both are competing in order to be contestants in the final round for the prize of $200, 000! Will it be the reigning champ or will it be a new swordsman- excuse me, swordswoman to take his place?! As I've told you before. The rules are simple! 1) This match isn't to the death! So, no need to kill anyone. 2) Good sportsmanship obviously. 3) Winning can go three ways: 1. The opponent falls in the water. 2. There is a forfeit or resign from the match. 3. Or you knock them unconsciousness. [/I][/center] The crowd cheered and roared, obviously excited for the next match. Runali was quiet and observant, interested in the skills people from around the world would have. In her observing, amongst the roars of the excited crowd she caught a few whispers as well. [I]"Is that her? Bow Black?" "I don't know...It could be. To be going up against Elise, something's gotta be up right?" "You idiots that can't be Bow Black! That legend is older than the both of you!"[/I] This little 'legend' or rumor was heard a few more times before she could really pay attention to the match. "Hm...let's see what this Bow Black can do..." - - - - - [B] Danny and Ray [/B] As they walked through the town the two would more than likely see hundreds of shops selling all types of things from food to magical trinkets. On the far end of one street sat a small tailor shop. With a few people leaving out holding bags of clothing. Inside, one young woman was being tended to by the workers there. "Do you think this is too much? Too outdated?" "Don't worry, you look fine." "Besides, you have three new sun dresses you could change into if you want. If you want, we can try this one." [Hider=Customer][img] http://ts3.mm.bing.net/th?u=http%3a%2f%2fimages6.fanpop.com%2fimage%2fphotos%2f33300000%2fAnime-girl-dress-msyugioh123-33371728-2545-3629.jpg&ehk=3LnqrrjCOrqATJf0mVM8zw&w=300&h=427&c=7&p=0&dpr=3&pid=1.7[/img][/hider] On the other side, there were two women organizing some of the clothes that were already set out. ~ ~ ~ ~ On a cliff, with what looked like a large telescope built in the top pointing at the sky was a old looking place that an elderly man lived in. He sat around all day making maps and pinpointing the stars. Some considered him rather odd, or more like crazy with how much he spoke of the stars and 'things being out there in space'. So, most of the time he was secluded with his pet cat and owl. [Hider=Map Maker][img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1yhgsqC4a2U/TZ3k97rdrPI/AAAAAAAAASc/OJN6aZIWP5k/s1600/Ne3rvraj.jpg[/img][/hider]