The Councilor nodded towards Colorado after the argument between him and Virginia ended. "This mission will involve two infiltration teams. Team One will consist of Colorado, Alabama, Nevada, and Maine. Team Two will be Virginia, Georgia, and California. The objective is to take down a weapons manufacturing facility. Team One will infiltrate the facility, but will need Team Two's help in get in." He tapped a button on his data tablet and a hologram of the facility appeared in front of them, created by a projector in the ceiling of the room. "Team Two will be dropped off a few klicks off from this outpost." A small tower to the south of the main facility highlighted with a red glow. "You three on Team Two will disable the security sensors monitoring air traffic over the southern fence. Once the sensors are disabled, Team One will fly a Pelican in, following stealth protocols, and land within the perimeter of the facility." A red Pelican flew in low over the fence and treetops and landed in a clearing roughly two klicks from the complex. "Nevada will be flying the Pelican, so those of you on Team One better hope he likes you guys. Joking aside, once inside the facility, you need to figure out how to cause the machines inside to malfunction beyond repair. If you are unable to remain undetected and need to go loud, make sure the complex is leveled. I know, big change of tone, but it is crucial. We still aren't sure how you are going to get into the main building, but I'm sure something will present itself. Of course, you wouldn't be you if we held your hand every step of the way, would you? Now, we have training simulations set up for both teams. Are there any last minute questions?"