Karah wasn't sure about this, there was something about Diamond that gave her skin goosebumps, and not the good kind. She looked at Miles, and then back at Diamond. "Okay, my name is Karah. This is...my boyfriend Miles." She hoped that Miles wouldn't mind her doing that, but she was doing what all females do, staking her claim. She knew that this Diamond Jensen had to have a boyfriend already but women like her? Well they didn't care about stuff like that. Diamond smile at each of them in turn, a creepy yet perfect smile. "I will leave you to love birds alone now, just wanted to clear the air. I was having a rough morning, had a bad night and I let it transfer over. Shouldn't have done that, but we all have those days right? Well see you around..." Diamond stood up and winked at Karah, she then licked her lips while looking at the both of them. She picked up a strand of Karah's hair, "By the way, this color...it suits you." Karah was dumbstruck, what the hell just happened here?? Why the hell was that bitch being nice to her? She shook her head and looked at Miles, "Pinch me, please make sure we are not dreaming right now!" Karah looked over to where Diamond had been but she was gone, like she had never been there at all, even the table she had been sitting at had someone else already sitting there. Confused Karah looked back at Miles, "I hope you didn't mind me saying that, it was a natural move, even though I have never had a boyfriend before it still slipped out. Overprotectiveness or something..." She bit her lip, at right that moment their food came. Karah was too nervous still, but she picked up her fork anyway.