Miles watched as Karah and the girl talked. It was all a bit odd to Miles, but he couldn't really hit a girl. So he let Karah and the girl figure things out. He turned as Karah called him her boyfriend. It made him feel good. He knew it was because the girl posed a threat to her. He would never leave someone like Karah for some high school cheerleader type. It was nice to feel wanted though. As quickly as the girl had sat down, she had left. Miles looked around but he didn't see her anywhere. It was like she had just vanished. Karah asked Miles to pinch her and Miles felt exactly the same. It seemed like an odd dream to him. Karah then turned to him and apologized for calling him her boyfriend. "Don't worry about it." Miles smiled as he squeezed Karah close to him. He paused for a second. "Wait, you've never had a boyfriend. I find that a little hard to believe. You don't have to lie to make me feel better." He smiled at her. He had a hard time believing that she never had a boyfriend. He tought it was cute how she bit her lip when trying to explain herself. Just then their food arrived. Miles attempted to put the odd exchange that just happened out of his mind.