Kylie didn't know how long she had been running. All she knew was that she was not going to stop any time soon. This wasn't normal running, it wasn't like going on a causal jog or running quickly to get that boiling over pot of water on the stove. This was honest to god, panicked, running. Wide eyes, open mouth inhaling and exhaling at rapid rates, stumbling strides as you frantically try not to fall. Falling would be death. And just thinking that caused Kylie to stumble many times. She couldn't hear any more voices behind her, did that mean the bandits had stopped? They must have assumed that the survivors would be far away enough to buy them some times to raid the camp. Kylie began to slow her run, her exhaustion catching up with her. She eventually collapsed to the ground, frantically trying to breath. Her chest felt so tight, likely a combination of the running and the panic, and her heart felt like it would have jumped out of her chest if she went on any longer. Glancing over her shoulder, trying to see if the bandits had found her, Kylie was pleased to see she hadn't been followed. She wondered if the other members of her group had been as lucky as her. Some of them had been shot right out for not cooperating with the bandits. Kylie, still sitting on the ground, hugged her knees to her chest. She didn't know what to do. If she returned to the camp she might find her other friends, but she might also be found by the bandits. Her contemplations were interrupted by the sounds of the undead. The distinctive moaning and groaning, something that could strike fear into anyone at this point. Kylie's breathing suddenly stopped dead in her throat. Her eyes widened and she felt herself unable to react. The machete on her side suddenly felt much heavier, her arms felt exhausted. Kylie slowly stood up as the sounds got louder. It sounded like one, but more would be coming. Kylie unsheathed the machete as she stood to her full height, her eyes still wide with fear. The machete she normally found herself able to wield with one hand suddenly became a two handed weapon as Kylie lodged it into the walkers skull. It immediately fell to the ground, taking an exhausted Kylie down with it. Kylie frantically tried to dislodge her machete from the skull of the walker. In her panic, Kylie failed to see the approaching walkers, attracted by the sounds of Kylie. Kylie looked up with a gasp as she gave a final tug on the machete's handle, freeing the blade and sending Kylie onto her back from the force. Her vision swam as she stuggled to her feet. And again she was running. Out of the woods and into the streets of town. Kylie, a mucked up machete in hand, looked around with wide eyes. There had to be shelter somewhere. She needed a rest. But knew sleep would never come easy. She could only hope she didn't run into more bandits.