[center][img]http://oi58.tinypic.com/2cehshh.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]~"We can never see beyond the choices we don't understand, because it's choices which make who we are. Only when we understand the choice do we know ourselves for how we truly are"~[/i][/center] The young women walked casually across the bridge as the crowed roared loudly in response to the announcer who demonstrated his use of showmanship. She had to admit she was surprised to see herself involved with such and event, usually opting to observe rather than be involved. But were it not for the current champion boldly claiming himself a champion of the sword, she'd have no business here and would likely be one of these spectators. She'd spent the best part of her previous afternoons practicing, tuning her skills and recalling the lessons her father had bestowed upon her as a child. She was confident about this fight, she knew her skills well and the presentation her opponent showed wasn't one that filled her with doubt. But then she decided not to underestimate him, as that was the mistake of many talented fighters which often lead to their fall. She inhaled a deep breath as she took her spot opposite her opponent, closing her eyes briefly as the cool air filled her lungs before she exhaled deeply. "This is what they have to challenge me with? is this some kind of joke?" commented Elise Khan as he looked to the announcer who merely shrugged nervously. Elise was a large muscular monster of a man, a rugged beard and a bald head adding to his rugged appearance. He carried two large swords in each hand which would require some strength to wield properly, likely more a statement to his opponents then actual demonstration of skill. Some of the audience nearest the newly arrived pirates began to joke, "That girl is toast! Elise will eat her for breakfast!" they jeered. The most observant in the audience would notice one subtle move, one which could be easily missed if you weren't paying attention. Alicia pushed her thumb up along the scabbard of her sword, pressing it against the guard which caused the blade to click forwards slightly. When the announcer rang the bell she began walking forwards casually again. Elise had braced himself for her to run at him, so looked confused when she began to walk as if it weren't a fight. "What? hey! don't you know this is a fight!" he yelled before charging towards her, raising both his swords to take her down in a single attack. Elise Khan stopped the moment she walked past him, letting out a gagging sound as blood spit from the corner of his mouth. The giant fell forwards onto his knees before collapsing onto his chest, both his swords clattering to the ground. It had been fast, so fast that it had taken a mere second for her to make her move. Her sword had struck both his swords away from her, the blade twisting in her hand before she delivered three blows with the back of her sword, incapacitating him in an instant. Her blade was already back in her scabbard before his body hit the floor. Those who had been paying attention would have seen three flashes of light where the rooms lights caught the metal of her blade as it arched through the air and the audience itself was silent for a minute after his body hit the floor. The announcer's jaw dropped as he stared down at Elise before he shook his head to regain composure. "Ladies and gentlemen! Alicia Tashigi wins and will be going through to the final! Elise Khan has been defeated!!" he said with excitement, the crowd roaring in response. Alicia simply turned and began to walk back down the bridge from which she'd came. The fight was over.