((sorry about the wait, vacation's been a bit of a shitshow, I'll spare you the details, should be back on track soon.)) Octavius kept his arguments to himself upon being called out. This woman was incredibly aggravating, but he owed her, and murdering her now would be bad luck. Then they were on their way, and it didn't seem to matter. And if it did come up later, he would have all of his arguments primed and ready to go, so no one would have any reason to think he was a coward. But last he checked, the majority of seafarers were superstitious. And if they weren't, they were at least a little stitious. But while he was caught up in that, the woman he had promised a boat to, had declared the one he had on offer to be insufficient. He was pretty sure she didn't understand what he was offering her. But then again, she probably just wanted something with more, larger cannons. It was an understandable mistake on her part, but one he had to live with, since he had technically promised her anything. He raised an eyebrow at her demands and laughed at her desire to pirate the grand line on such a boat. "Last I checked, caravels are big." he replied, confused. "And the dhow I'm thinking of could fit a dozen people if you wanted. Or fewer if you're inclined to go that way..." he shrugged. "But you did con me into this deal, so I'll get you a fucking caravel if that's what you want..." the pirate lord then sighed. Getting on their way didn't go much better. His new friend was convinced she could take on two dozen marines by herself. While he didn't entirely doubt it, he wasn't sure it was such a good idea. It was pretty obvious she wanted him to stop wasting time. He wondered if she was getting wise of his tactics, but Captain Cuttlam wasn't going to change things up, just to see if that threw her at all. "You do realize that if we waste time killing all the marines, we won't have any time to get any kind of sea-going vessel ready to go? And on top of that, we won't have anyone to steal from, preventing us from making any kind of a living..." he shrugged again, largely indifferent to what the woman did, despite his arguments. "Then again, if you get yourself killed, I won't owe you squat. Fuck it, lass, knock yourself out..." he chuckled and shook his head. While Ceres made up her mind, the Shotgun Preacher pulled out his signature weapon. Unfortunately it was only signature in the way that it happened to be a scattergun, since it wasn't the actual fowling piece that had resulted in half of his nickname. That particular weapon was rusted out and useless. But this one would do. He just waited for the lady to start things off. "We're going to do this the hard way, boys. Rush the first caravel-looking ship you see, and we'll mark it off for our friend..." the man couldn't help but start laughing. This whole scene was just ridiculous. The marines were paying attention to the group, now, and everyone was on edge, thanks to Octavius' statement. It seemed there was about to be some violence. How much depended on how good Ceres was at her job... ((cue some randoms dying and ceres finds a buddy to join the all-star team? and then they end up stealing the ship that Octavius wanted? and then arguing, more crew, and a hasty retreat to the ocean?))