Karah smiled at Miles and laughed, "No really its true, I have never had a boyfriend, and honestly..." She stopped, she felt so silly saying this but there really was no point in hiding it. "Your my first kiss also..." Karah immediately picked up a French fry and put it in her mouth, chewing noiselessly she looked at Miles, waiting for his reaction. She felt really weird, for having spilled so much of her bare soul to Miles in just the span of a few hours, but she honestly felt like she had known him for years. She picked up another fry and dipped it in some ketchup this time, after she swallowed it she took a sip of her pop. "You know its crazy now that I think about it, but I never did pursue relationships, not after seeing what dynamite, in the bad way that is, that they could end up being...I just kind of lost all hope that I would ever have that fairy tale romance, with the fairy tale marriage and kids thing." She hoped Miles wouldn't think that she wanted kids, not that she didn't either, just not today or anything....tomorrow maybe...but not today. She brushed her hand off on a napkin and grabbed all of her hair and in one fluid movement had it up and in a ponytail in a second. She smiled at Miles, "What about you? Any ex girlfriends?"