As Karah mentioned that he was her first kiss, he smiled nervously. "I hope it lived up to your expectations. I know I quite enjoyed it." Miles said, kissing Karah's cheek. She started to eat. She talked about how she had seen how bad relationships could be. As she talked about having a fairy tale relationship. She seemed a little worried that she was going to scare him off. He took a bite of his pasta and nodded his head. "I know what you're talking about. Married with a wife, picket fence and 2.5 kids. It's the dream, but it never seems to happen." She then asked him about ex-girlfriends. He sighed heavily. "There was this one girl. We dated for like two years. High school sweethearts and all. I thought she was the one. Long story short, she cheated on me. That's my story." Miles said taking another bite of pasta. He tried to hide the pain he felt thinking about it. It was over two years ago, but the pain felt fresh. I haven't dated anyone since then. Until you apparently. Now that we're boyfriend and girlfriend." He smiled slightly as he took another bite of food. "You've already said it. There's no taking it back now."