Karah nodded, "I would love that...I might even live in the country for that dream." She winked at Miles and elbowed him a little, she took a bite of her hamburger and laid it down, thinking about what Miles had just told her, cheated on him? How could anyone do that to him?? The pain on his face was enough to make her want to make him feel better, she laid her head on his shoulder as she swallowed her food and said, "You know? People obviously do not know what they have till its gone. I can assure you that I would never do that to you, I may have just started getting to know you, but I really like you already and you know things about me that no one else in this world other than the people that it deals with know about. I don't just talk about my past with anyone, something about you made me feel like it would be completely and utterly alright to talk to you about it." She sat up and looked at him, "You know what? When we get done here, lets go back to my dorm and watch a movie there. Let's just spend tonight together, talk, learn about eachother and make this boyfriend girlfriend thing really official. Don't worry I wont take it back, I meant it."