[hider=Joe 'Kikuchiyo Joe' Mifune]Name: Joe 'Kikuchiyo Joe' Mifune Age: 26 Height: 6'0 Weight: 180 lbs Appearance: Japanese-American with a wild and large black pompadour, black leather jacket on top of a white t-shirt, and dark jeans. Black steel-toed boots and black gloves. Wears a steel mesh face mask most of the time. History: Born to a Japanese father and an American mother, Joe has had the displeasure of being between two cultures. In his youth, he was a rebel who always managed to get into trouble. As he grew older.. He was still, disappointingly, a bit of a ruffian. As he got older, it was his father that introduced him to both motorcycles and the way of making ancient Japanese swords in an effort to focus his son's energy on more productive things. When the virus struck, Joe and a few other of his closest friends banded together to survive. They were part of a motorcycle club before the arrival of the virus, and used their skills and talents to head towards Black Mountain on their nimble (yet highly gas-efficient) bikes. Over time and having crossed over a couple states, the members of the motorcyclists-turned-survivalists-club, now known as 'Red Rim', dwindled or got separated. And with each loss of a great friend, Joe's mental state become more and more unstable. Finally reaching Chicago, it seems like the end is near, but riding his way to Black Mountain seems like a long journey despite the fact that he's only cutting across a city- the city itself was crawling with creepies. Joe has mowed down many a zombie with his motorcycle and Japanese cavalry sword, but this was becoming way too much. Having promised his best friend to take care of his daughter Haleigh in his absence, Joe and Haleigh try to figure out a way to find and enter the humanity's last known bastion. Personality: With a deteriorating personality and mental state, Joe is generally an wacky, reckless, buffoon, sometimes during the most inopportune time possible. Joe thinks of himself as a smooth talker that is able to get out of any sticky situation, but in reality his chances are usually 60/40: 60% being failure. Joe has at times shown great fearlessness, but it is really just forced courage. His nickname, given to him by his friends, 'Kikuchiyo Joe', is derived from his resemblance to a character from the classic Seven Samurai. The nickname also doubles as a unique identifier, as some people within Red Rim have the same first names as other members. Weapons: Odachi cavalry longsword[/hider] [hider=Haleigh 'Hurricane Haleigh' Rossi]Name: Haleigh 'Hurricane Haleigh' Rossi Age: 18 Height: 5'4 Weight: 105 lbs Appearance: Short and petite with short chocolate brown hair and blue eyes that hide behind clear low-profile eyeshields. Wears a black leather jacket and matching black jeans, complete with gloves and boots. On the back of her jacket is the logo of Red Rim. History: Having just graduated a few months before the outbreak, her and her father teamed up with Joe, her father's best friend, to survive. Eventually, her father and a few others of Red Rim split off to allow the other members to survive. She doesn't know if they are dead or not. Now, everything else is just a blur. Personality: A soccer player in high school, Haleigh is a surprisingly fit person put into a small package. Sweet and easygoing among those close to her, she is also feisty and witty, especially when threatened. Having been a daddy's girl, she hung around him and 'Uncle Joe' at a young age, picking up their habits and skills. Both Joe and her father loved motorcycles, and Haleigh learned to repair them. Her father also happened to be a welder, and in doing so, taught Haleigh how. Now the skill is put to use as she hobbles together armor from scrap salvage when resources allow. Haleigh was given the nickname 'Hurricane Haleigh' by members of Red Rim due to her sacrificing precious resources (various compressed gasses used for welding) in order to save survivors from a hungry zombie horde. The gas containers were used as explosives, and it is said that the explosion created such great gusts that the wind itself could cut (having metal shrapnel helped too, of course). Weapons: Blowtorch[/hider]