It's 2014, and benders are a pretty common sight. The days of the different factions has passed and all benders live in the same towns, even marrying each other and producing children together. It's a peaceful time. Well, that's how it seems on the surface. Truthfully, the government is having a hard time trying to quell the anger hearts of the anti-bender rebel group. In an hour of need, these people turn to two small town benders who seems to show promise in being able to help their country. [hider=Lucy] [center] [b]"Life grows all around us, yet everyone chooses to ignore it, simply passing by because they think they don't have time. Truth is, we have all the time in the world if we use it correctly."[/b] [img=] [/center] [hider2=More Images] [center] [img=] [img=] [img=] [img=] [/center] [/hider2] [center] Lucy Mitchel 18 Water Bender Short for her age, Lucy is an excellent bender, if a bit spacy. She gets bored very easily and will often daydream, going far away from whatever is happening around her. She is always happy and sees the good in everything and everyone. [/center] [/hider]