Lore: Over 200 years ago there was a rebellion among the kingdom of Lurkia. The region of Altea was a colony area on the border between the Elves and Lurkia. The Lurkians were not on good terms with the elves. They saw them as slaves, not people. the colonies on the other hand were more sympathetic to them. When the Lurkians attempted to enforce slavery Law the Altean region rebelled. Led by Duran Korus, the rebels fought hard, and it looked as though they would win. But when the main army of Lurkia arrived, they were outmatched. They were pushed all the way into the elven woods, when Duran met with one of the elven clans. During his stay he persuaded one of the Elven noblewomen to assist him in getting the Elven army to fight. After five years of constant fighting the war was put called a stalemate when the Ruler of Lurkia died, and a steward took over. Duran had taken back the entire colony area and began building a nation of his own. He soon fell in love wirh the Elven woman (I forget the name, it was something awesome but this lore was created over 5 years ago...). They married and began producing heirs to the slowly growing empire. 120 years after Duran passed away and his wife gave rule to their eldest, Darius, the Empire was booming. They were connected in trade to every nation in the realm, except for Lurkia. They were becoming rich fast and he continued to push their borders into the wastelands of the deserts to the east. While Lurkia was in the South and the Elves in the West, they only had one way to go. Once Darius died at the Age of 90, Aldir, his only heir took control and has ruled since he was 15. Now Aldir is 34 years old and has a wife and three children. The two eldest are elven, while the third is full blood human for some reason. David, the youngest, Took up the call of the military when his mother was murdered on her way back from a meeting with the elven council by a Lurkian Hunter group. He is now serving as a Private in the army on the border, waiting for the call to arms to be disbanded. Little does he know that war is about to begin.