"Yeah Lorenzo, you need to keep her under control. No telling what she could do if she couldn't keep that crazy side behind bars." He stated to his friend. "Besides, me and Kiddo can handle ourselves, I think. I'll look out for the little guy." Winking at the joke, and laughing to himself slightly. The joke was to mainly put Lorenzo off guard and to help convince him the threat was minor, even though it could be much greater than he ever imagined. It was hard to tell what would happen, would they be attacked or would it go back to normal. Either way they all had to prepare for the worst, it wouldn't be good to be caught on your heels in a situation like this. The difference between life and death could ride on this very decision, and Ren tried not to think about it. He knew that the best be they had though, was having Lorenzo with Cassandra, to protect Lilly, the new student that barely knew anything yet. He wasn't even sure if she could defend herself. The chivalrous side in him couldn't stand to see women in harms way. He put an arm on Lorenzo's shoulder and said calmly, "I know you don't care for Hax, but you should really try to work with him. It'd provide an even number of people, so we don't have to be alone. An extra set of eyes and ears, well in his case, swords as well, wouldn't hurt. I don't want anyone to get hurt out of this little ordeal, so we need to be prepared for anything. Like I said before, no one will get the jump on us. Just watch out for the girls alright?"