Vanessa cast Genesis a bemused look as he stepped into the hangar. She knew he must've had to do some digging to find some clothes, seeing as he adored his little gadgets and she was almost certain his room was a mess. She wondered what he was going to do with his sniper rifle-if he was taking it with him or not. Seeing Genesis with it confirmed that he was indeed going to bring it along. Vanessa turned and watched the rest of the crew file in. She bit her lip to keep the words from sputtering forth, as she always babbled on and on when she was nervous. And Vanessa could already feel the pre-operation adrenaline starting to sprint through her veins...she bit her lip even harder to calm herself down. After Vanessa felt that she had sufficiently stopped herself from going into a full-out chattering session about every nonsensical topic in the galaxy, she took a breath and double checked that her weapons were where she left them-they were. Good. She held her carbon fiber armor in one hand, the shield gauntlet in another. Hopefully they'd have time to retrieve them from Ace's car (which they absolutely [i]could not[/i] scratch, she reminded herself. Vanessa almost laughed out loud. With the looming challenges, she was afraid of scratching a car? Well then.