The meeting concluded without a peep from Acacia. Everything had already been said, she had nothing to add. Gracefully she headed back to her quarters to prepare for the mission, her long robes touching the floor make it look as if she was gliding along the ground. Infiltration missions were not her forte, stealth and deception are valuable skills she was not blessed with. She will be depending on Mare and Genesis to lead the way. This was the problem with mercenaries: trust. Acacia has not known any of her team long, and yet she had no choice but to rely on them. For the next several hours, these people will be her sisters and brothers in battle. Neat, tidy, and simple. Acacia's room lacked adornment. She left all her worldly possessions behind with her homeworld that she misses so dearly. For this mission, she requires something appropriate for a classy casino. A black suit, with pants of course, that gently hugged her curves. She kept the red lipstick and a bit of light make up that only emphasized the unfettered gaze of her green eyes. It was a look that the younger Sisterhood members in her chapter seemed to enjoy. Acacia was quite the popular dance partner at the yearly balls her colony used to hold. But that was a long time ago, Unfortunately her suit didn't leave much room for weapons. Her normal tools of battle are much to large to carry along. Instead she brought a couple door charges with runes engraved in them, and a pair of electrified knuckle dusters. The 77lbs of her regular gear was left in Ace's car. She joined the others at the hangar after finishing her preparations. This would be the first time in a long time that she went into battle without enough explosives to take down a tank.