As the Fang prepared for take off Jason stood at the end of the loading ramp ushering the rest of the assault team onto the ship. He also looked over to see if the Infiltration team would fit in at the casino, Mare looked fine going for the jacket and tank-top look that would fit in perfectly fine on the casino floor. Then came out Genesis wearing the suit Jason had gotten him for a conference some time back. "So your taking my car and my clothes then?" he said almost laughing as he noticed the shoes, tie, and even his shirt almost instantly. And then there was Heretic who was also dressed to impress, it seemed that Genesis and Heretic were to fit into the high roller crowd and Mare with the regular players. Jason then reached into one of his pockets pulling out the keys to his [url=]car[/url] "Mare, the keys are yours, just don't drive to crazy. Remember no scratches or death shall find you." he reminded as he tossed the keys to her.