#2 After walking for what seemed like endless amount of hours, the sisters had finally found a small house made of logs. "Yes!" Samantha nearly hissed it since they had been keeping their voices down. "I'll go around the back." Scarlett nodded at Samantha once and they parted their ways; Samantha going around the back and Scarlett through the front. As she got to the back door, she breathed in deeper and slower. [I] 'Alright.... Easy.... Easy...' [/I] Ever so slowly, Samantha opened the door, making a face and cringing every time the door squeaked. She could only imagine Scarlett as she opened the door. Once the door was open, Samantha crouched down and crept in quietly, closing it softly behind her. The small [I] Click[/I] behind her making her jump. She breathed in deeply once more and crept forward, her crossbow in the ready carry. Scarlett had made herself inside already as well, she had already cleared one room and walked out of the hall, giving Samantha the clear signal. Samantha nodded and went on Into the cafeteria. She nearly screamed as she saw the corpse of a dog on the floor. She felt her stomach drop and shook her head. "That would explain the smell. Scar, can you find some kind of blanket?" Samantha walked out of the room and sat her stuff down on the couch. "I'll get it. We can stay here for the night and head out as soon as we organize our shit in the morning." ----------------------------------- After they had awoken, they prepared their things to head out, turning the house nearly inside out for more supplies. "Which way do we head to now?" Samantha and Scarlett were crouched down shoving things In their backpacks, rushing to get out. "If we go...." "Shut up...." "What?" "Sam shut up.... Do you hear that?" Samantha turned and listened quietly, her heart dropping when a mans voice abruptly began to voice commands. The girls both jumped up immediately and turned around, their hands up. Both their weapons were on the couch behind them so the others already had the advantage. "Please! Please don't shoot... We don't mean anyone any harm. We were just on our way out." Scarlett spoke to them in a friendly and soft voice, almost inviting. Samantha shot a glance at her then back at the strangers. "Would you mind keeping your voice down? It'd be a shame if we all died right now because someone couldn't use their inside voice." Samantha glared at the strangers, wishing she could at least have a blade in her hand.