As you know, we all have Subscriptions. And a limit of 100. Very few people I know reach this limit often (including me), and it gets annoying when you're a lazy person who mainly write on a tablet, which is a bit slow, and you can't unsubscribe faster. This also may be a problem on regular computers, when someone is trying to finish up something real quick and that includes unsubscribing to threads, etc, etc. So, I vouch for a much faster way to unsubscribe to threads, almost as fast as subscribing to them. How would this work? I think that adding a little dash, similar to the one you get when you post to a thread, to the right of threads on the My Subscriptions thread would be good. That dash would need to be clicked, and BAM. You've unsubscribed to that there thread. Negatives? Obviously, people can accidentally click onto that dash. They may misclick, I know the feel, I know it. So, make that dash stand out a bit. Not super stand-out-y, but just make it a different colour. Maybe red, blue, whatever would be the best. Or, maybe there could be an option to disable this dash for others, if they are in a time period where they don't NEED to unsubscribe to threads, that could work too. Maybe. I dunno. But what if a noob DOES NOT KNOW that the dash is used for unsubscribing, you may ask? If a noob doesn't know, obviously they could ask, but this is for CONVENIENCE. So, I also vouch for something that would appear on the top of the unsubscriptions page, on the same side of the dash, informing them about it. Maybe some text right there, I dunno. If it could be programmed this way, it would only appear one time, so they could get it in their head, quick, easy, DONE. [s]or just increase the limit wuteva[/s] Discuss?