[center][b]Kiddo[/b][/center] "Ren, honestly I didn't even want you to come along but I guess you should. I'm going to warn you, my remaining family, which is only my aunt and her kids, they are stupid, and crazy and I hate them. They were always mean to me and my father as I was growing up and they laughed when my mother died. So, if I begin to beat one of my cousins up or anything like that, don't stop me and keep everybody away as I beat the shit out of them. Got it? good." Kiddo said giving Ren a smile. "Let's go. The train is here." Kiddo said picking up his backpack and walking toward the train. Kiddo smiled at the thought of beating one of his cousins to a bloody pulp. He wasn't lying when he said he hated them. Kiddo didn't hate anybody, except his cousins and aunt. They laughed at Kiddo as he cried during his mother's funereal, they laughed at the fact she died, they laughed at his father for always being so nice and kind to people. And, his cousins always tried to beat him up, they picked on the little guy. They were bullies. Kiddo boarded the train and got to his hometown in no time. It was a bullet train so it didn't take long, Kiddo then went to a motel and rented a room for two nights. He wasn't going to stay with his aunt.