Bryce continued to bring up the rear watching as the students ahead of him gave their name to the registrar and turned as they began their short trek to their living quarters. While he had a few moments to himself he snapped and a well-worn notebook appeared in his hand and a pen he cracked it open and began to scribble quickly in it. • [b]Glyphs-[/b] it seems to be a type of magic in which one draws multiple interlocking symbols into the air. It seems that these symbols are drawn from residual energy given off at the time of the drawing. It appears that one must be of considerable magical talent and ability in order to do this. As Bryce removed a small necklace from around his neck with a small bag in the center he dropped the notebook and it was quickly taken into the bag. Bryce let out a short sigh “thanks mom for the bag of holding I appreciate it” he said as he looked up in time to see the young dragon lady barreling towards him stopping just short of him. “It’s alright” he said reassuring her “I take it you don’t sleep well judging from the amount of energy you have now” Bryce said with a light chuckle. She accompanied Bryce down the hall and they approached the registrar Bryce was surprised to see another dragon born and was stunned as to how pretty she was he actually blushed a little “good evening my name is Bryce Bel…My name is Bryce and I’d like to get my schedule and room assignment please” he politely asked as he dropped his head in an attempt to hide his flush filled face.