Name: Johnny Lodge Age: 23 Height: 5'10" Weight: 153 Appearance: He has short, messy, black hair. His whole body has become pale and very bony from the lack of food and water. His eyes are dark blue. He wears a hoodie with grey and black stripes, with a fully black t-shirt underneath. He has a pair of jeans with holes and cuts across the whole this. He also has a pair of red running shoes. History: Most of his history will be left for the IC. He was a business man that lived in British Columbia, Canada. He had to go to the Chicago area for some work related stuff. When people in the hotel that he was in found out about the virus, they boarded up the entrances, and they would only be taken off for when people went on supply runs. At one point, a woman that lost her husband when he went out for a supply run, killed herself by overdosing on pills. However, when one of her friends went to say hello, she was bitten by her. After that, the whole place went to hell, and very few people escaped. After that, he just wandered around the area. Personality: He is a mostly silent person, preferring to be unnoticed, though he is not afraid to say what is on his mind. He can be very sarcastic. He generally stays alone, and usually only makes alliances for a short time. He is able to quickly think of how likely something is able to go in his favour. He is always suspicious of any safe havens, as he knows that they can go to hell very quickly. Weapons: A Smith & Wesson Model 27 Revolver with 12 bullets and a pocket knife.