Rosalie blinked a couple of times, the side of her mouth curving up slowly in a slight cringe. She had no idea what Gore was going on about. Three weeks ago, he had been the one to laugh at her attempt at holding a sword and having it shakily poised at him. The young woman folded her arms, looking to the side with a distant stare, unseeing of what was before her. “I’m surprised you’d even say that, you know. Some people would call that being stupid.” She smirked lightly, laughing bitterly. “I’m an idiot...for not thinking about the consequences...but what can you do?” Rosalie gave a defeated sigh, gaze falling now on the Blood Dragon, “And weren’t you laughing at me before?” She didn’t sound mad, just curious. She looked like she wanted to laugh at that - at how ironic it was that she would end up as the owner of a legend and have him compliment her having courage comparable to a warrior. If he hadn’t noticed already, that was not the path that she planned on taking, and yet, he seemed so sure as if he had all the evidence he needed and was waiting for time to tell. Rosalie stared back into Gore’s eyes, “Hmm.. forget it. Sometimes.. Desperation leads you to do some stupid things. Me? Staying and wandering about a place as dangerous as that.. was one of them.” As Gore had said, she could have been taken by the hunters. She had been very close to being taken in by them and if she had, she would no doubt would her life have taken a very different turn. Mouth slightly dropping open for a few seconds, Rosalie closed it again as she thought of a retort to the Blood Dragon’s claims. She could relate to him with her initial disliking of the device, but she did not go as far as to condemn if as witchcraft. Gore says it as if it were a bad thing, but for her, she thought it was a rather ‘magical’ invention and quite handy on her part. “It isn’t a cruel fate.. It’s not hurting anyone. You’re still here, aren’t you? You aren’t exactly motionless after having it flash at you.” She smirked lightly. “It’s not.. angry at you as you say. That’s normal for it to flash like that unless you want to turn the flash off.. Besides..” Rosalie continued, pacing about, looking once over at the humanoid before back in the direction of town, “it might not be much use to you, but to me..or other people it is. Reason being is that want to preserve specific events, memories that mean something to you. For example, you can look back and revisit a certain event. I can look back at pictures of myself where I was much younger for example. Hmm.. Maybe you won’t even need something like this thanks to your memory, but for us... I guess you could say that it’s.. fleeting.” The girl wasn’t going to force him to use it, but it was an entertaining thought to have Gore figure out what did what. Rosalie listened to what had happened in the past should as a consequence of Gore not being able to catch his owner in time. She thought it was silly to punish a dragon based on that fact alone, but it could have just been her. Throughout his account, Gore would have noticed Rosalie trying to hide her look of disbelief. Were people really that unreasonable? She gave a humourless laugh to fill the silence, more a habit when she believed things had grown too quiet. “The fault is yours.. is what I’m guessing the people clearly believed. In my opinion... and I’m sure Eric and Sigmund would agree, is that it wasn’t yours. It was his fault for not watching where he was going in the first place. Hehe.. Your old owner sounds like such a pompous klutz.” She laughed at the thought, at how stupid it was, but immediately stopped herself once she realised Gore was obviously not so amused. “Hmm.. Oops...” She looked away, taking a few steps back as she mumbled a quick apology. “Anyways... yes. I’ll watch out for you. I kinda figured that maybe, in a way, I owe you. Also, Gore. That’s what your previous owner would have done. Just try letting me trip and then we’ll see what happens.” She noticed Gore was struggling with how she wanted him to address her, but she really couldn’t care enough to set him straight. Some might even argue that she was not as ‘creative’ as his previous owner, but she obviously had a different sense of humour and her father had raised her better than that. Besides, she thought, running her fingers through her hair, making sure that there were no knots, it wouldn’t have been how her parents would have wanted her to act. Of course, she had never been taught how to handle a dragon, but she seemed to be okay with how things were for the moment.. At least until she could figure out what to do from here. What could Gore possibly have meant by that? The girl regarded him a little more differently than she had done so earlier. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard. The dragon was complimenting her appearance? Really? “Well.. Uhh.. Thanks.. I guess.” Rosalie did not know what to make of that, but she guessed she was a bit flattered. Having him compliment how ‘brave’ she had been and along with her appearance? She’ll take it as him being nice. “And ‘give word’, hmm? Heh, alright, then. I’ll hold you to it.” She nodded firmly, smirking when she noticed Gore had corrected himself again. “Seeee? It’s not that difficult, is it? And.. Your reasoning.. is interesting. I’ll give you that.” Rosalie would have to keep an eye on him just to make sure she understood what he was trying to get at. Perhaps it could be that she did not fully trust him and was trying to exploit him, but on the other hand, she could be genuinely curious. “I trust the two brothers.” Rosalie piped up with a tone filled with confidence. “They’ve been there for me longer than I can say with most people. I can understand your reluctance, Gore, but if I could rely on anyone to come back with a plan, it’s them.” As if on cue, the brothers made their arrival, making Rosalie’s eyes light up with amusement. She really was looking forward to finding out what they had brought back to wrap Gore up in. It could have been seen as even a bit mean, but the girl dearly hoped it was something amusing but at the same time, inconspicuous. “Eric, Sigmund! Welcome back!” “Thank you, Rosalie.” Eric replied as he stepped closer to her, showing off one of the items he had brought back with him. It was a cloak that seemed like it would fit him more than it would Gore. “This was all I could find that would cover his head and form a bit. Sigmund brought back a long coat.. “ “Hey, hey, hey! Don’t forget the prize, Eric.” The oldest of the three chirped, bringing into view what appeared to be a pair of sunglasses, holding it out for Gore to inspect if he wanted. “Kinda snazzy if you ask me.” “What person would wear shades during the night?” Eric asked in a tone that suggested he had been arguing about it earlier with his brother. “Oh, it could have been worse. I was thinking to bring in large mittens, or the gloves father uses for work..but of course it would be a hassle trying to return them before he noticed.” He then held out to Gore what Rosalie had assumed to be the long coat earlier, one that was a pale grey in colour. It might even be a little short for Gore, but it was better than nothing. As long as it would hide his claws, then she couldn’t care any less what colour it was. The sunglasses, on the other hand, were a bright yellow Rosalie couldn’t help but cringe at. At least it was dark. “Rosalie, you do realise these were once yours, right?” “Mhm, I know. Just, of all the things you could have brought with you, why that? I have other pairs.” “And.. I don’t wanna go rummaging through your drawers..” Rosalie began to blush at that point, but glad it was hidden by the darkness. “Yeah. Good point. Shhh! Moving on!” She spun to Gore and gestured that he try a few things on. “Gore, you can have the final say.” “With what we’ve brought with us, you don’t have to put them all on, though that would be something to see.” Sigmund added as a second thought.