[quote=EldritchOne] Mmmm... my apologies about that Kappy, I didn't realise there was gender rules on mythical entities in this.To be fair, I was considering making him female, simply for convenience in regards to pictures, but I decided to stick with my dude. Mostly because I can do art. [/quote] You don't have to apologise. I was the one who screwed up. Had I bothered to look it up instead of relying on my own memory it wouldn't have happened, and I would have requested you make him female. At any rate, you could save it by sticking to a sort of female shape in Full Gorgon, yet still have him be male in every way except for that one. His voice could even still be male xP Would sorta make the whole "snake hair" business look less weird, imo. I feel like it would be doable since I imagine being a really large snake-thing would make the voice deeper even if he was female. Anywho, up to you. Just an idea thrown out there without any more thought to it than this.