Miles' heart swelled as Karah talked about how happy he made her. He smiled in agreement. There was quite a strong connection that formed between then very quickly. She looked down a little and told him about her dreams of becoming a teacher and how he gave her the strength to do so. "I think you'll make a great teacher." Miles said running his finger through her hair. "You're going to have a lot of school boys crushing on you, but I think you'll do great." He laughed slightly. Karah looked back up and Miles and kissed him. As they parted Karah laid her head back down on Miles' chest. He smiled and sighed slightly. He really had never felt like this before. He was a little worried it was too good to last, but he put that thought far from his mind. He wouldn't worry about things that he had no control over. He shimmed to grab his phone out of his pocket without disturbing Karah too much. He punched in the alarm for his classes in the morning and gently tossed his phone on the ground. He had sleep-turned off his alarm before. So he had to put it somewhere out of his reach. Plus, he figured he wasn't going to want to pull himself out of Karah's bed in the morning. He ran his finger through her hair again and continued to watch the movie. Grinning like an idiot the whole time.