[Scenario #3] Kylie stumbled through the streets of...well she had no clue. Kylie had lost all sense of direction after leaving her camp. At the camp there were compasses and maps, as well as people who knew how to navigate. Out here Kylie had no clue. There were street signs everywhere, on the ground and on uprooted signs. Some of them had been destroyed and vandalized or rusted over, so she wasn't sure if she could trust their direction. Kylie paused in the middle of the street, looking and listening around here. The place seemed pretty quiet, she could hear the groan of the walkers in the distance behind her. But she was sure it wouldn't stay safe forever. On second thought, keeping out in the open like this could be dangerous. She could easily be surrounded and overpowered. Kylie tried to swallow back her panicking breaths as she looked around for shelter. She didn't trust any of the houses and businesses out here. They could be full of survivors or walkers who didn't make it out to the street. Kylie looked down the street further, walking slowly as to not alert her position. As she got closer she was able to tell what was blocking the street up ahead. An ambulance. Kylie had to allow herself a smile. It would be perfect. It was not only protection from the streets, but it also might have supplies inside. Kylie continued her limping walk forward, being cautious of walkers in the street. Her machete, still being wielded two hand, almost slipped from her grip a few times. Kylie felt like a wreck, but maybe some hope would come from that ambulance. The back door to the ambulance was slightly open. Kylie, taking a deep breath to steady her hands, shifted her machete to one hand, holding it defensively in front of her as she opened the door up the rest of the way with the other. Kylie visibly relaxed when she revealed for herself that the amublace had no walkers inside, as well as no survivors. Kylie, giving another quick glance around, climbed into the back of the ambulance, closing the door behind her. To her displeasure, the hinge let out a squeak. Kylie widened her eyes in horror, waiting for every walker on the block to swarm her. But none came. The sound was either not interesting enough or loud enough. With a soft sigh Kylie closed the door the rest of the way, slowly as to prevent any more squeaking. She didn't close the door all the way however, she was scared she would become trapped if she did. As much as she wanted to keep the dead out, she didn't need the added stress. Her body was weak enough as is. Kylie set her machete down next to her, close enough to grab if so needed, as she took the backpack off her back. It didn't have much in it, only what was already there when the raiders attacked her camp. A small ration of food and water, minimal medical supplies, and her gun. No ammo. However it pleased Kylie to see that her pocket radio was still in there. If she ever got batteries for it the music would help calm her down. Once she assessed what she had she began to rummage through what was left in the ambulance. Most of it was completely foreign to Kylie, she was no medical professional, but at least she knew what a bandage was. “Batteries...” Kylie muttered to herself as she rummaged. “I just need a few batteries.”