General Playable Character Species [hider=Lycans/Werewolves] Females- 34 to 39” tall, 6.5 to 7.5’ nose to tail, 72.5 to 116 lb Generally more refined looking in their canine form, thinner and less bulky than males. Males- 43 to 50” tall, 8 to 9’ nose to tail, 123.5 to 160 lb Heavier built, less refined, broader chest and shoulders than females, larger heads, usually much larger than females. The higher ranking the male within the pack the larger they generally are. Bachelor males, or males without a pack tend to be in the middle of the body scale range. In general they come in a variety of coat colors similar to those seen on Grey Wolves and their eyes can be various colors though some are more common than others. Eye colors; Dark Brown, Yellow, Amber, Gold, Orange, Hazel, Blue, or Green. Listed from most to least common. Lycans are a full genetically diverse species, their numbers have vastly increased since the 2000s when they left the young Earth. They ended the blood feud with Vampires roughly a million years ago but some of the older bloodlines and packs still hold a bit of the grudge. There are several “founding bloodlines” within the now very diverse bloodlines. The “founding bloodlines” are the very first packs to come to Erellon. They are as follows; Bello (Italian), Collins (English), Demirci (Turkish), Kravec (Russian) Liu (Chinese), Nagi (Arabic), Richelieu (French), Schrader (Low German), Ó Dálaigh (Irish), Vang (Scandinavian). Many more packs came later on to Erellon but these were the first 10 to arrive here. Lycans are highly social creatures operating within a pack family structure generally run by a very dominate mated pair referred to as the Alpha Pair. They have the ability to communicate telepathically at all times with their pack and link all the other members together. They are the central bonding force between pack members. They generally have an enforcer who is know as the Beta he is usually the second largest male. There are female Betas but generally they are mated to a male who already had the rank. Alpha is generally a hereditary rank and is usually the strongest male and his male offspring. Alphas have the ability to locate members of their pack at will and also force them from one form to another. Males are very volatile when they are unmated so many packs require the previous Alpha’s heir to be mated before they take the position. Males and females are very Yin and Yang, they balance each other out and mated Lycans are much less volatile than unmated ones. If the Alpha dies with no heir there will be an ordeal held two full moons after their death and burial and any male may fight in the ordeal to win the spot of Alpha. Afterwards females may fight to become his mate. Occasionally there will be a small male or female, generally an orphan that will be the Omega of the pack, they tend to get a lot of pack aggression thrown at them but they are gifted with a calming effect on the other pack members and some can turn out to be mild healers as well. Lycans are known as children of the moon for a good reason, during the full moon they are forced to change into their canine form for the duration of the night. The legends among their kind state that the reason for this is because their ancestors did not always have the ability to change into a canine form. They worshipped the God Orion the Hunter and his mate The Moon was so pleased by their faithfulness even during the harsh winters and times of drought when food was scarce that she granted them the ability to change forms into that of a wolf-like creature so that they might be able to feed their families even in harsh times. They now pay homage to her and give thanks for her gift by hunting under the full moon. [/hider] [hider=Witches/Warlocks] Human-like creatures with an innate relationship to the energies of the earth. Generally each is very closely aligned with one particular element or craft in which they excel at. This could be healing, herb potions, elemental magicks (no more than one each), and very rarely soothsayers or seers. Some of the magicks preformed require “energy words” to give them power and life but not all, these are generally very old magicks that were developed with the relationship between witches and the earth was less understood than it is in modern times. Healing is one of the less common magicks of Witches and Warlocks but there are generally very powerful but their endurance for healing large injuries is not very extensive. Potions, however, is an extremely common magick among witches and warlocks and nearly all of them can produce basic potions. Potion making is the magick of combining herbs and other things and purifying them and meshing their energies so that the drinker of the potion receives the intended purpose, generally they boost immunity, give energy, though some of the more powerful witches and warlocks are capable of producing invisibility potions and poisons as well as many other complex potions like shape-shifting potions. Elemental magick is one that is not well understood just yet but it seems to be common in babies born on equinoxes and solstices. There are Five main elements as far as witches are concerned and they are Water, Earth, Fire, Air, and Energy. Energy is much less common and even less understood, users of this magick are often volatile and do not live long. Within each of the five elements users may specialize in doing certain things like plants or animals for earth or solid or liquid water. These supernaturals are an off shoot from the human ancestry tree, no one is quite sure when they came about but they are fairly common in numbers and often dwell in large groups amongst one another in groups called Covens or Groves simply for the reason of being around others of their kind. They are generally a very peaceful bunch but there is the occasionally rotten apple every once a hundred years or so. Generally females are more prevalent than males in theses supernaturals. Usually a ratio of 1.5 : 2 Witches and Warlocks are taught from a young age to respect nature and to be as in tune with it as possible. Theses supernaturals have an extended life span as well, they can live to be around 200 or so years old. The oldest recorded Witch was around 250 years old when she died, her name was Elise Stone. [/hider] [hider=Vampires] Vampires are supernatural beings that came about roughly during the middle ages or the dark times in Old Earth. No one is sure if it is simply a genetic disorder or a virus, when put into a lab setting it mutates quickly and can result in very dangerous beings. They appear human for the most part through many of them appear to be very pretty humans, generally born vampires have a paler complexion than most humans have. They tend to have more advanced senses than humans and highly improved night vision. Unlike many humans believe Vampires can be both born and created. Genetic vampires born with the “disease” so to speak age normally as a human would until puberty when for one reason or another their bodies begin to produce cells at a more rapid rate that a human would. This prevents them from aging as well as catching human born illnesses. This only sets in once the vampire has reached his or her full genetic potential of growth which means the age can vary greatly and females generally change before males. Before the change young vampires function much like humans, they can eat solid foods but require an alarming amount of iron in their diets. After the change occurs they must rely on either animal or donated blood from other supernaturals or humans. The change normally takes two to three days and during this time the body consumes its own blood and the blood is then replaced with some other much more pliable substance very similar to blood but it moves much quicker through the body and thus allows the vampire to move much faster with less exertion than a human. Their brains also undergo changes that are not completely understood that enable them to think and thus react much quicker than a human being would be able to. Born vampires have many advantages that created vampires do not share. Born vampires may build a tolerance level to the sun as they age and grow stronger, many can fully tolerate sunlight with some sunblock or a parasol by the age of 80 or so depending on the genetics involved. They also can start and stop their aging when they reach roughly 40 years of age, this is how born vampires are created the male and female must both enable their aging to take place for the duration of the conception and pregnancy. Created vampires are very different from their genetic counterparts. They are created as a result of a vampire taking the majority of if not all of a human or other creatures blood and then having them drink or ingest vampire blood. These “night children” undergo the same changes genetic vampires go through during puberty but in a much shorter time, usually less than 24 hours and it is extremely painful. Unlike born vampires created ones keep their skin tone of the time they died so many of them have diverse backgrounds and thus have various skin tones. These vampires do not adjust well to sunlight and it may take them hundreds of years to reach a tolerance level that would allow them to go outside during the day. They also lack the ability to progress their aging and remain the same as the day they were changed. [/hider] [hider=Faeries] Fae are supernatural beings that are generally humanoids though some have less human characteristics than others. Many have wings though some do not and they are known for their ability to weave complex glamours, a type of magick that conceals their true form from most on lookers. They are unable to be seen by mortal human eyes unless they wish to be. Some of the more powerful Fae are able to conjure other types of magicks, generally those closely related to nature. The Fae Folk’s governing system involves two Courts, Seelie and Unseelie, otherwise known and light and dark. Each has a monarch, currently the Seelie King is Keenan and the Unseelie Queen is Moriganne. They were believed at one time to be the balancing system of Old Earth where seasons were concerned. On Erellon there is no evidence to show for this being true though no one is sure of much when the Fae are concerned. They are generally highly social creatures and there are many types of Fae though some are more prominently found in one court opposed to the other. Seelie Fae generally feed on fruits and natural substances their bodies cannot process foods that have seen too many hands or have been away from their source for very long. Unseelie Fae can eat foods but it is mostly for the pleasure of doings so, their bodies receive its sustenance from dark emotions; fear, jealousy, lust, envy, anger and so on. Neither court can exist without the other. The Seelie Fae are joyous and lavish in their lives and dance and drink and are merry and sensual beings. The Unseelie seek to balance this, they feed of the jealousy and the lust and encourage bad behavior among each other and among the Seelie Fae and as such their relationship serves as an indication of the world’s workings on a smaller scale. Some Fae walk a fine line between which court they truly belong in. They are very close to nature and are highly allergic to Iron and other metals containing Iron. Only the Monarchs are capable of touching Iron and only the strongest of Fae can be in it’s presence though generally not for long. They generally live for thousands of years, they are some of the longest living supernaturals. Many however do not look their age and appear to only be in their twenties or thirties.[/hider] [hider=Pixies] Pixies are yet another example of humanoid or human looking supernaturals. They are generally on the smaller side though with very angular features and tend to be slim and very athletic and lithe. Often times they have pastel colored skin not the typical pale tan of humans. Pixies also may or may not have wings, their wings tend to be thin and less extravagant than those found on Fae and generally look like something from nature, be it leaves or flower petals and very rarely butterfly wings. They may have as many as three sets of wings, two directed upwards and another set pointed down. These supernaturals are easily identified even when they have a glamour on by their slitted eyes that look very much like a feline’s or a venomous snake depending on who you’re asking. For one reason or another this feature cannot be covered up with a glamour regardless of the rank or power level of the Pixie. They do have a Queen but she is simply referred to as Her Majesty or High Queen, it seems no one is quite sure of her name. These supernaturals are closely related to the Fae Folk but they do not generally associate themselves with the Fae. Pixies are more commonly found in the city as they lack the allergy to Iron that limits Fae in their choice of living spaces. They are quite the little fashion fiends and are particularly skilled in the art of making clothing and new fabric materials. Many of them have chosen to put their magick to use weaving fabrics with magical properties or that are simply beautiful. Though these supernaturals have a reputation for being mischief makers they seem to have mellowed out though they can be known to pull a prank or two occasionally.[/hider] [hider=Elves] Aside from Witches, Elves are the most closely related species to Humans. These supernaturals do not have very high numbers in modern times, there are two varieties of Elf and they have a long standing feud. There are Light Elves which tend to be tall and thin with angular features and fair or pastel skin and hair, they have classically pointed ears some of the higher ranking Elves have the ability to manipulate light. Then there are Dark Elves, they are still tall but more broad shouldered and tend to be of a heavier build. They have darker colored skin and hair which varies widely in color. The high ranking officials can often control shadows or darkness. The one thing all elves have in common is their elongated, pointed ears and their gemstone colored eyes. Elves are some of the best craftsman in the known worlds. They can craft almost anything and it be of superb quality. Each family or line of elves tends to specialize in a certain craft be it certain types of foods, furniture, weapons, and clothing. Their clothing is often times more basic than what is produced by Pixies which is usually more fashion oriented. Elves also have the ability to put “wishes” on the items they craft though these items take extensive time to make and very few are produced because they take so long and the art of producing items with Wishes takes so long to learn. They are worth a lot of money but are well worth it. Wishes are exactly what they sound like, when producing the item the Elf concentrates on what he wants the item to be able to do. If it is a bow one can wish that it always shoots straight and true. There is a catch to items with wishes though. The wish only works for the intended person, sometime the wish works for someone the Elf does not even know yet. Some items simply have people destined to have them. If someone other than the person the who the wish works for has the object it will only work as well as whomever has it can work it, as if there is nothing special about it at all. If the item is destined for a certain being it will often find its way to their hands through any means necessary.[/hider] [hider=Shape-Shifters] Closely related to Lycans or werewolves Shape-shifters are just as common on Erellon. They appear to be human most of the time but they always have at least one more form and occasionally have two. It’s always an animal and they are always either a prey animal or an predatory animal, never both if they have two animal forms. If they have two forms they will almost always have a wild and a domestic version of their animal form. If they have a wolf then their third form would be that of a medium or large sized dog. Occasionally though, someone will come along and they have two different animals completely, say a badger and a mountain lion. Male Shape-shifters are easily identified by their mating marks. When males reach maturity, generally around 20 years old or so, they gain what is referred to as a mating mark. It generally runs from just under their ear and jawline over their shoulder and either down their arm or onto their chest and then ribs. The stronger the male the more intricate the mating mark, no one mating mark is the same as another. Some are smaller while others may reach all the way up onto the male’s jaw and to their temple. These are generally higher ranking males within their social groups and tend to be very dominate in their behavior. Female’s are a little less easy to identify, it is thought that they do not gain mating marks until they are mated to give males insight as to who is and who isn’t very thoroughly guarded. It reduced fights among males which prevented injuries and fatalities that could have been avoided. This was also thought to protect the precious few females that were present on old earth from being harassed by other races when they didn’t have mates to protect them as they tend to be very slender and delicate. All Shape-shifters are much stronger than they appear to be and have accelerated healing rates and are rarely sick but males tend to be much stronger than females and much larger. Most males are well over six feet tall while females tend to be around 5’ 6” though rarely taller than 5’ 10”. Shape-shifters are born with a destined mate, when they meet this mate the attraction is almost instant and the closer they become the more visible and prominent the mating mark will be on the female. It will solidify when the mating ceremony is preformed and often becomes brilliantly colored and almost metallic looking and the male’s will color to match allowing other females to know he is taken. Unlike Lycans, Shape-shifters do not have to “phase” or change forms on the full moon though many of them do because of tradition.[/hider] ------ [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Age: Gender: Species: Appearance: Pictures are acceptable, please list all forms. Personality: Just a few things Backpack Contents: Max of 10 things Survival Skills: Two or three main things History: Optional Extra: [/hider] --------- [b]Characters In Play[/b] [hider=Niall] [b]Name[/b]: Niall Ó Dálaigh [b]Age[/b]: 103 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Species[/b]: Lycanthrope [b]Appearance: Human[/b]: Niall is approximately 6' 5" and weighs roughly 220 pounds or so. [img=] [b]Lupine[/b]: In his lupine form Niall stands around 48" tall and weighs around 140-150 pounds. [img=] [b]Personality[/b]: Niall is generally and easy going person, he isn't likely to try and insult someone but it does happen on occasion. He is a fighter not a runner so direct conflict generally does not end well for the other party. Despite this though he would much rather talk things out than have to fight but when it comes down to the wire he does what he must. [b]Backpack Contents[/b]: - Fire Starter - Compound Bow - Skinning Knife - Landing Zone Map - First Aid Kit - Jet Boil system - 2 Sets of Clothes [b]Survival Skills[/b]: Hunting abilities, enhanced senses and night vision, dual nature. [b]History[/b]: Niall is the heir to his pack, the son of Aedan Ó Dálaigh who is the current reining Alpha. Growing up knowing you're going to lead a pack with numbers in the hundreds is something that changes someone. He was groomed from a young age to lead his pack, and thus spent much of his life training to be both mentally and physically strong. His father was not easy on him at all and demanded only the best from his eldest son. Niall is the eldest of sixteen pups, twelve males and four females who are closely guarded. His father named him after Irish legend of the Nine Hostages, of the nine brothers Niall was the only one smart enough to kiss the ugly maiden for a drink of water. Afterwards she transformed into a beautiful woman who granted him sovereignty over Erin. His father gave him this name in hopes that he would follow in the footsteps of the King and be smart. The name also means passionate. Niall was well educated and taught many skills from a young age. Lycans are known for their tendency to stay in nature, too much time in a city can be detrimental to their health. This makes them experts of living a minimalistic lifestyle. [b]Extra[/b]: N/A [/hider] [hider=Gabrielle] [b]Name[/b]: Gabriella Wilde [b]Age[/b]: 180-ish [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Species[/b]: Vampire [b]Appearance[/b]: [img=] [b]Personality[/b]: Quiet, abrasive and can be quiet nasty. Not one to shy from blood or gore, Gabriella is one of the more feared members of her council. She is easily bored, but is interested by rare artifacts and precious gems, especially those embedded in jewelry. [b]Backpack Contents[/b]: - Machete - 2 small blood bags - Rope - 'Earth: Old and New" Survival Book - Small file - sharpening stones and fangs --Space to collect items- [b]Survival Skills[/b]: Stealth, Speed and improved night vision. [b]History[/b]: Gabriella is one of the members of the 'Stone's Council'; a group of vampires who help to govern the vampires of Erellon. The council is well respected. Gabriella is a more reserved member, and is possible to be bribed with rare gems or artifacts. She is quite cruel though, and will not shy from causing physical pain to those who question the council's members, especially her. Erellon has grown boring however, and Gabriella chose to leave the planet to return to old earth. She hopes to investigate the planet and perhaps uncover older tales of vampires, from Old Earth, and the possibilities of vampires returning to the planet. She little clue as to the inhabitants of Earth, or what blood is safe to drink. [/hider] [hider=Alma] [b]Name[/b]: Ailidh Alma Annstás (she just goes by Alma) [b]Age[/b]: 360 [b]Gender[/b]: female [b]Species[/b]: Faerie (Seelie Court) [b]Appearance[/b]: [img=] [b]Personality[/b]: Logical, quiet, and beautiful on the outside, but tortured within. [b]Backpack Contents[/b]: 3 fruits, a medium-sized glass vial currently filled with water, a sack of various herbs, a journal, a sharp stone dagger, hemp twine, a sack of seeds to try to plant in the new world, and some bones. [b]Survival Skills[/b]: Faerie magick, knowledge of nature, good at finding safe food to eat. [b]History[/b]: She won’t say. [b]Extra[/b]: Gifted with the ability to return life to one being in exchange for the life of another. Basically resurrection, but with a counter balance. [/hider]