[hider=Scenario #3] [b]Scenario:[/b] [url=https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@41.8999876,-88.0217102,128m/data=!3m1!1e3]Sunset Avenue[/url] [b]Scenario Type:[/b] Open [b]Max Players:[/b] 3 [b]Current Players:[/b] SyrianHamster, Dragonbud [b]Loot Level:[/b] Don’t get your hopes up. [b]Walker Density:[/b] Mild. [b]Bandits:[/b] Unlikely.[/hider] [hider=Hannah’s Group] [b]Members:[/b] Hannah Banks, Camellia Morgan, Woodrow Hepburn, Oskar Rennold. [b]Weapon Pool:[/b] M14 (1 x 20), M4A1 CQR (2 x 30), Beretta 9mm (1 x 15), Winchester Model 70 (x20) [b]Equipment Pool:[/b] Apache helmet, military radio, 2 x can of baked beans, box of stale bran flakes, map of Chicago, protein mix. [b]Location:[/b] On the road[/hider] “Walker?” asked Hannah, crouching low behind a shabby picket fence. Oskar pulled back from his rifle scope, “not sure, do walkers open doors?” he asked, half heartedly. “Shit,” muttered Hannah. “Armed?” “A knife, a long one,” replied Oskar, peering back into his scope. Camellia’s interest peaked, and she tapped Oskar on the shoulder. Her rifle was gripped tightly in both hands. “Man, or woman?” she asked. “Not sure, a woman I think,” he replied, adjusting the scope’s elevation. “Shit,” Camellia hissed, and stood back. “Thanks for getting my hopes up.” Woody shook his head, “gal, that’s fucked up.” “Fucked up is getting held down-“ “Enough,” said Hannah, looking angrily at the two, but more so at Cemellia. “Keep it together, Cam, or get your ass back to the house.” Oskar released the safety on his rifle, “What’s the plan, Hannah?” Hannah thought for a moment; lone women were less likely to murder you. In this fallen world of theirs, the vulnerable were now prey to the stronger, and the primal boundaries between man and woman had risen up like the Berlin Wall. Everything had been dialled back to the damned stoneage, and more than likely, a lone woman was fleeing from something… unless they were a mean mother fucker, like herself. “Might be friendly,” she said quietly. “Might be a trap, Hell, she might be a nut case out for blood. Hard to tell these days.” “Amen,” added Woody. “Alright,” grunted Hannah. “I’m going up there. Oskar, watch the ambulance – if anything goes down that you don’t like, put her down.” She looked at Woody, “old man, you got my back?” “You know it, sweet heart,” he said smoothly, blowing her a kiss; their earlier disagreements momentarily forgotten. “What about me?” asked Camellia. “Watch Oskar’s back, that woman might be bait, and someone could be sneaking up on us right now,” replied Hannah, casting a wary glance at their surrounds. “I hope so,” Camellia said, cocking the M14. “I hope it’s three men, with their dicks hanging out thinking they’re getting an easy ride.” “Jesus,” muttered Woody. “If we get to that tower, I’m getting you help.” [center]***[/center] Hannah and Woody approached the ambulance from the front; they couldn’t see anyone in the cab, but the glass was smashed to hell – and there was a lot of blood. Hannah went off to the left, ordering Woody to go off to the right; they’d circle the ambulance and come onto the doors from both sides. They didn’t want trouble, but if it was going to happen, they’d be ready as they could be. As Hannah rounded the back of the ambulance, Woody hung back, crouching around the corner. His job was not only to watch Hannah’s back, but to also scour the surrounds for a changing situation. Something like a ruffling bush, a vibrating garbage can or a snapping twig could denote an ambush. Hannah [b]pounded a fist on the back of the ambulance[/b], and then backed away in case someone shot at her through the doors’ brittle metal. [b]“We’re armed. And friendly,”[/b] she said, as loud as she dared without drawing the attention of distant shamblers. [b]“We don’t want trouble, but that here is our ambulance; mind stepping outside?” [/b]