[quote=icicle] I was thinking of giving the doctor a Victorian English name, something relatively high-classed to represent his incredible book smarts and skill with his trade.[/quote] Quincy? Joseph? Walter? Ernest? Lawrence? [quote=icicle]As for the soldier, I can easily imagine him with a Germanic nickname like, "Chip," or, "Karl." [/quote] Chip Karlstock? Karl Hammerstein? [quote=icicle]Finally, I think the CIMAM technician has to have a cutsie name, like "Ettie" or "Susie."[/quote] I like Ellie better than Ettie. Susie is fine also, if not a mite traditional. [quote=icicle]Lastly, about the planet, Lazlo is well-versed in information brokering/comms probing, so instead of going to a planet to search for supplies, I think it'd be more in-line with his character and interests to go to a black market hidden in a "nearby" asteroid field.[/quote] I like the idea, especially if the ships gets chased by Syrae's police. A black market is a good way to lie low and it will be interesting to see how the crew members react to that backdrop.