Name: Jack Splitsight ( Alaska ) Age: 20 Gender: Male Appearance::[url=]Click Me For Armor[/url] No helm :[img=] Armor color: Primary:White , Secondary: Silver , Detail : Steel Ability: Enhanced Reflexes and Agility Specialization: Intelligence & Sniper Personality: Silent and untrusting due to his disturbed past he neglects to give any information to anyone regarding himself , always regarding someone as a potential enemy. Much so to the extent in which he never removes his helmet in front of another. A mentality he had sustained from life on Victoria in the 111 Tauri system during the worst of it's times in the most unlivable of areas. AI Character Sheet Name: Iota Personality:Random , open and deceivingly intelligent , he is seemingly the polar opposite of his host Jack. Functionality:(How does this AI help you in action?) Assists him by giving him a best course of action for the given time , using the enhanced reflexes and agility to make it easier to manipulate the surroundings in a way that would boost survival odds.