Karah shut the door and turned to Miles. She asked what type of animal could have done that. Miles thought about it. He shrugged slightly. "I don't know what animal would come into a populated area and kill someone. If it happened outside of campus, maybe, but I have no idea what animal would come on campus and do that." For a second Miles had a look of fear on his face. "It would have to be rabid or incredibly sick." He saw the scared look on Karah's face. He walked over to her and held her. "As long as we stay indoors and don't wander from campus, we should be fine. Even rabid animals won't attack a group of people." Miles pulled back from Karah and smiled reassuringly. "I guess this means we'll have to stay together a lot more." Miles looked at Karah and softly brushed her hair out of her face. "I'm just going to go to my dorm and pack up some clothes and come back here." Karah shook her head. "It's alright." Miles said softly kissing her cheek. "It's daytime and I bet this place is crawling with cops and campus security. I'll be fine." He headed to the door opened it and walked out. He stuck his head back inside quickly and winked at Karah. "See you in a little bit beautiful."