"Oh?" The request caught Weisse off-guard. He never really used his phone for much other than music and photos. He forgot he had it sometimes. But it was curious. Why did she need his number? "Umm... sure. Hold on." His was a slightly newer model, a jet-black Samsung with a silver rim. There were no attachments or decorations, just a screen and buttons. His contacts were even more dismal than hers. There was one - his own number. "I don't get out much" he laughed softly. [i]Mein Gott, she's even more embarrassed than me.[/i] He put his own number into Nikita's phone rather quickly, having devoted it to memory, before handing it back. With that out of the way, they continued back to the dorm. They got back first. Weisse claimed his bed, sitting down to remove the rucksack he so foolishly brought along. Albione, however, stayed at his hip. "Sit down, make yourself at home. The others should be here shortly." The timing literally could not have been more perfect. The second he finished his sentance, Daniel and Tala returned. "See?" [u]"Weisse, Shakuntala is going to room with us tonight. I hope that's okay?"[/u] "Sure. I was going to suggest something like that anyway" "I don't mind sleeping on the floor, Daniel. I'm used to it." Weisse actually wasn't keen on the idea of the girls staying over - he was modest and valued his privacy. But he couldn't leave them hanging, not after that. "Just don't stay up all night. We've still got school in the morning"