Continuing down the corridor Lucius and Alfa came to a heavily barricaded metal door that Lucius quickly made implode into the room on the other side then walked in with Alfa on his heels. "Freeze! Hybrids do not attempt to move or we will be forced to open fire upon you." a guard with a red chevron on his shoulder cried from in front of about three squads of others. Lucius simply stood at full bearing and said calmly "Alfa.". As he stepped forward past Lucius he replied "yeah I got them." and took his hoodie off. Standing to his fullest with his chest and arms bare he felt the energy in the things around him and in himself. Drawing it in and manipulating it he slammed both of his hands into the ground and cried "BURN!". Electricity arced around his body and along the floor in a wave forward reaching up and hitting the guards with the current of a lightning bolt each. As they fell another group came from the side and took aim as they went to open fire on Alfa a metal wall arose between them as Lucius manipulated the metal tiles on the floor. Spikes shot from the wall and impaled the squad of guards to the wall avoiding any vital spots. Lucius nodded to Alfa and said "finish them". "With pleasure." was the reply as Alfa put his hand on the wall and pulsed a huge current into the metal literally liquefying the guards organs. The two moved past the smoldering corpses of the guards and towards glass doors. Lucius changed back into his human form and looted a pair of clothes from one guard throwing Alfa the mans shotgun. Pumping it Alfa said "Its time for us to take our place at the top of the food chain". As he walked past him Lucius threw a door open and said "my thoughts exactly" as he disappeared into the darkness of the night. Alfa picked up his hoodie again zipped it up threw his hood up and followed Lucius into the darkness.