[b]Tyler - Haywood Vicinity - Rob/Katie[/b] Tyler wasn't sure if this guy had it in him to take the shot. Perhaps he did, and this was only delaying the inevitable. "Fine then, blame me. I don't care. But fire on me and you completely destroy my little girl's life. She's already lost her mom and her brother, so if you can live with taking away her daddy too... You better be a good shot. Imagine if you missed me and hit her instead. I can't say you'd live for much longer after that." That was it, wasn't it? This could end in the death of them all. "If you fire, then I will be forced to fire back. You will die, there's no doubt about that. But if you let us go, you may live. My daughter will be safe. I can promise you that no one else will be hurt by my hands, but you probably wouldn't believe that. I just have to wonder how clean you'll be able to keep your hands. In this world, we all eventually get them a little dirty." He tightened his grip on the gun, but took one small step backwards.