#2 Levi took the bottle wordlessly and scrutinised it closely, examining the bottle itself for any structural weaknesses before tentatively opening the bottle cap. He peered in closely at the liquid, ensuring that it was transparent before walking over to Evelyn. "Fire iron, please." "Huh?" she asked, bemused. "Trust me, I'm a pharmacist." he said seriously. With an eyebrow still raised, Eve unsheathed the fire iron and handed it over to him. It was a testament to her survival experience that her eyes never moved away from the sisters during the transfer. Levi rubbed his finger firmly against the fire iron until there were a few small drops of still-fresh rabbit blood on his thumbs. He held his breath and tilted the bottle over until a tiny amount of the hydrogen peroxide dripped onto his thumb, coalescing with the blood and creating a weak fizzing effect. "Perfect." he said with a satisfied smile, opening his trench coat and reaching into one of the many inner pockets to produce a bottle filled with clean and clear water. "Here you go." he offered, tossing the bottle towards Samantha. "Sir Pharmacist, shouldn't you be checking the bathroom for the stash that was just mentioned?" asked Evelyn in a sarcastic drawl. "It sounds too good to be true but then again, they weren't lying about the peroxide. Stay here, I'll go check it out." "Just hurry." she demanded, clearly uncomfortable with being left alone despite her superior position, gun still drawn on Samantha who seemed to be the more dangerous of the two. Departing with a nod, Levi made his way across the living room and turned into the narrow hallway. Pistol by his side, he gently opened each oak door he came across and scanned the room with brevity for any potential threats. When it was clear that the twins didn't have any company, he approached the final door at the end of the hallway and flung it open almost carelessly. How was it possible that medicine could still exist in here? Surely someone would have looted it by now? And if not scavengers, what about the groundskeeper? Whispering a quick 'just fuck off' to the skeptical and pessimistic side of his brain, he took a deep breath and opened the mirror-adorned medicine cabinet. Upon seeing the bounty of the cabinet, he felt a strange mixture of disappointment and elation. The two combating beasts in his head, optimism and pessimism, had managed to produce this disconcerting ambivalence. The optimistic side was hoping for a lot more but the pessimistic side thought there would be nothing. Some medicine was better than no medicine. Although the majority would be useless for he and Evelyn, they could possibly use it for trading. He wasn't sure that anyone would be too interested in thiazide diuertics to treat their hypertension when other worries were much more immediate but he couldn't rule the possibility out. Dividing the bounty into two even parts and clearly marking the bare white bottles with names and uses, he strolled back into the living room and walked in on Evelyn answering Scarlet's question prior to his rummaging. ".... And then I met him in Naperville proper. His house is on Roosevelt, just down south." she finished. "This is your half of the stash." informed Levi, placing three rattling, half empty-containers of pills onto the table, close to Samantha. "I've written down notes. You've got Acetaminophen, Bendroflumethiazide and Omeprazol. I'm sure I don't need to explain the benefits of Acetaminophen. As for the others, short story is that Bendroflumethiazide is used to treat high blood pressure and Omeprazol will help treat stomach ulcers, heartburn and indigestion."