Mystique ate very little and noticed even less. But Gandalf noticed much and smelt more. A subtle illusion spell would suffice to cover them until the sun was above the horizon. He sent his shadow self out to see what could be seen. It was old spell that he rarely used but was simple enough for someone who had a touch of the Forbidden Arts. He had a simple belief that to fight evil one must know evil so it stood the same for those who used magic for evil instead of for the good. Magic is just a tool to be used. How it is used is what makes it evil or good. Even the raising of the dead. One could learn much from those who have died but to make an army of the undead is not exactly the right way to use the Resurrection Spell. At the moment, Gandalf was itching to smoke his pipe but that would be a dead give away that someone was nearby. The Shadowling was slipping around in the shadows, absorbing the events that had happened. However if there was too many paths crossed, the information will not be accurate. Gandalf's only concern was Mystique. She was a human with great potential from an old friend..... no not her but more likely that one daughter of hers, Zane. He did not know Zane's last name or if she ever married or much else about her even. But he could sense a bit of Lady Rosewoode in Mystique. The shadowling was back and slipped inside of Gandalf who digested the info in a literal sense in a way. He could gather that was a 'hushed fire' which was contained and put out by magical means. He could not tell who alerted the Archmage Cadmus. But it was two, maybe 3 higher magic welders that put out the fire. Yes it was time to actually meet the Archmage or perhaps he should slip away back to where he came from? He did what he came to do after all and why should he care about what happens here? He was on another mission and that needed to be taken care of. Gandalf was itching for a pipeful so he left Mystique after placing a mental spell on her. One which will not allow her to fully recall everything and if should there be some need, she could call out his name. He would leave a calling card behind. A young owl would suffice to watch over her and be a calling card. He disappeared into the portal with Nightmare and left Mystique and her steed, Shadow behind. Mystique slept peacefully in the grass with a soft blanket covering her thin body and Shadow tied to the nearby tree.