Bryce managed to work up enough courage to make eye contact with pyria "thank you" he said as he headed off before he got far Asthia had approached him and shot off a quick succession of questions. Bryce couldn't help but laugh at first. "forgive me for laughing its just the questions came rather fast. But to answer your question yes i am quite new here im probably as new as they come i can understand magic better than most but when it comes to casting it takes me a longer time to learn in my few years of life i successfully learned and almost mastered one spell' Bryce said, his face taking on a slightly serious expression but quickly returning to a smile. "The whole interest thing it was more of my parents idea than my own they thought that i could take my skill further here. They actually graduated here a long time ago they were some of the best in their class but i wanna carve out a name for myself hopefully me being here can not only help me train my magic but give me some direction as to what i wanna do if ever i graduate. and only once in my lifetime have i ever seen a dracon not counting know and that was in passing...unless im thinking of half dragon or maybe dragonborn my apologies if i got you mixed up with another race its just i've never had the pleasure of meeting anyone that was of any relation to a dragon let alone part dragon. are you in fact a Dracon?" Bryce questioned