#2 Levi tilted his head to glance at Evelyn to find that she was mirroring his concerned and hesitant mien. They had survived as a duo thus far and felt that it was the perfect number because it afforded them a contingency whilst avoiding the downfalls that more numbers meant; more mouths to feed and more sound to be made. Stealth was much more possible for a couple than for a group with four members. On the other hand, their being extant spoke volumes about their capability to survive. It was certainly possible that they would provide an advantage but neither Levi nor Evelyn were aware of exactly what skill sets they would bring to the table. "And how would the agreement to travel together help us?" demanded Evelyn. "We were able to sneak up on you with ease and could have killed you. How would you benefit us in any way?" Levi regarded Scarlet and Samantha with an intrigued and fixated stare, weighing up the benefits and drawbacks in his mind. He was quite eager to hear how the twins would respond to Evelyn's impetuous line of questioning and her barely veiled insult.